Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day Three-ish

It's amazing to me that it's already Tuesday!! I'm uber tired today, so this won't be the longest blog ever, but I wanted to leave an update! :)

we made it to Ghana! :) Our flight to Amsterdam was long, but we were all kept entertained with little televisions and video games. A group of us went into the city and took tons of pictures. We made it onto our last plane with time to spare, and were in Ghana at 6:30pm (which is around 11:30am in California, we traveled for about 23 hours).

Our host, Ama, picked us up at the airport with two amazing drivers, Issac and Moses. The house were staying at is really nice, with plenty of beds (but only 2 showers!).

This morning we were able to go to the school and hanging out with the kiddos. We played endless games of slide, learned a new jumping game and watched some intense football (soccer) matches. The school has around 1,500 students, ranging in ages from 7 months to 18. They are definately enthralled with us "obrunis" (their word for white people). Tomorrow we're back over at the school for some teacher training and more fun with the kiddos.

The power gets shut off here at 6:00pm tonight, one hour from now... and will come back on at 6:00am tomorrow (their version of "rolling blackouts"). So, I'm off to use as much electricity as I can beforehand :) Hope to post more tomorrow!


and here is a word from our very own Rachel Miller :):

Wow, the last 72 hours have been an adventure, to say the least. So far what I've experienced here has been amazing for me. Im super tired, so Ill keep it short.
Mom, Dad, & Megan:
Im doing fabulous. I love it here. The flights were good, but long and hard to sit still through. Ill email you later this week when I get a chance. I love you all. Please dont worry. Tell the sisiterhood and my brothers that I love them also.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

LAX adventures

I'm sitting in the terminal at LAX, with the weakest signal ever, but it's doing the job!

Some of you may have heard about the Northwestern flight cancellations that occured yesterday/today. We were affected, our flight to Detroit was cancelled, with 5 of the team members being rebooked on a direct flight from LAX to Amsterdam, with 7 being re-routed to Charlotte, NC to Detroit then on to Amsterdam. Our fearless leader, Chris, spent hours on the phone last night, explaining the need for all 12 of us to be together...

So here we are, waiting patiently for our 10.5 hour non-stop flight to Amsterdam! :) Our flight's been delayed about 30 minutes, but if I look to my right right now, I see the plane sitting on the tarmac, getting ready for us!

thanks for all your prayers (as you can tell, they're already hard at work!). Maybe the next time I post I'll know some new Dutch words!

p.s. everyone says "Hi!"

Friday, July 27, 2007

Trial Run

Checking to make sure this works. We will have a final packing meeting Saturday @ 4:00. That should be very exciting!!

coming soon!

Keep checking back here for updates regarding Flipside's Missions team to Ghana. We'll be leaving LAX at 12:00 Sunday morning, and arriving in Accra, Ghana at 6:00 (their time) on Monday, July 30th! :)