Sunday, July 29, 2007

LAX adventures

I'm sitting in the terminal at LAX, with the weakest signal ever, but it's doing the job!

Some of you may have heard about the Northwestern flight cancellations that occured yesterday/today. We were affected, our flight to Detroit was cancelled, with 5 of the team members being rebooked on a direct flight from LAX to Amsterdam, with 7 being re-routed to Charlotte, NC to Detroit then on to Amsterdam. Our fearless leader, Chris, spent hours on the phone last night, explaining the need for all 12 of us to be together...

So here we are, waiting patiently for our 10.5 hour non-stop flight to Amsterdam! :) Our flight's been delayed about 30 minutes, but if I look to my right right now, I see the plane sitting on the tarmac, getting ready for us!

thanks for all your prayers (as you can tell, they're already hard at work!). Maybe the next time I post I'll know some new Dutch words!

p.s. everyone says "Hi!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww. I miss you !
I'm so proud of you for going.

We're praying for everyone !