Friday, July 27, 2007

coming soon!

Keep checking back here for updates regarding Flipside's Missions team to Ghana. We'll be leaving LAX at 12:00 Sunday morning, and arriving in Accra, Ghana at 6:00 (their time) on Monday, July 30th! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
This is a message for Ian:
Heather has had a hard time getting on to the blog. She wants you to call home. All is fine, she has a question for you. You may have already gotten this message because I am writing this late 12:09a.m.
Hi Rachel! Tonight at Camp Hope was really great! I told everyone that you are in Ghana with Flipsides Best team! Alice says Hi. It is late and I am going to bed now. Love you and miss you Rachey!
LOve, Mom