Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day Three-ish

It's amazing to me that it's already Tuesday!! I'm uber tired today, so this won't be the longest blog ever, but I wanted to leave an update! :)

we made it to Ghana! :) Our flight to Amsterdam was long, but we were all kept entertained with little televisions and video games. A group of us went into the city and took tons of pictures. We made it onto our last plane with time to spare, and were in Ghana at 6:30pm (which is around 11:30am in California, we traveled for about 23 hours).

Our host, Ama, picked us up at the airport with two amazing drivers, Issac and Moses. The house were staying at is really nice, with plenty of beds (but only 2 showers!).

This morning we were able to go to the school and hanging out with the kiddos. We played endless games of slide, learned a new jumping game and watched some intense football (soccer) matches. The school has around 1,500 students, ranging in ages from 7 months to 18. They are definately enthralled with us "obrunis" (their word for white people). Tomorrow we're back over at the school for some teacher training and more fun with the kiddos.

The power gets shut off here at 6:00pm tonight, one hour from now... and will come back on at 6:00am tomorrow (their version of "rolling blackouts"). So, I'm off to use as much electricity as I can beforehand :) Hope to post more tomorrow!


and here is a word from our very own Rachel Miller :):

Wow, the last 72 hours have been an adventure, to say the least. So far what I've experienced here has been amazing for me. Im super tired, so Ill keep it short.
Mom, Dad, & Megan:
Im doing fabulous. I love it here. The flights were good, but long and hard to sit still through. Ill email you later this week when I get a chance. I love you all. Please dont worry. Tell the sisiterhood and my brothers that I love them also.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you guys all made it safe! What an adventure. We miss you Aaron so much. Sorry we did not get to see you off from Flipside. I thought that we would be praying for you at the 10:30am service.

Love you sooo much. Briana is doing well but I know she is missing you. Please post us a message.

We love the blog and being able to hear about your trip.


Anonymous said...


I hope your trip has been a fast, fun, and friendly one. I am praying for you and your group.

How is the weather in Africa?

How are the natives?

How is the food? (McDonalds)

How are your accommodation's

Was your flight a comfortable one?

Do you have AIDS yet?

Come back soon.

I love and miss you.

Your Big Bro

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,
This is Mom writing. We all miss you!! Thank you for calling on Monday to tell us of your safe arrival! We found the letters that you wrote to each of us,when we came home from the airport. They were all so sweet! We really loved them!!! Thank you for taking the time to write down your thoughts! We hope that you aren't going through withdrawals from "lack of cell phone cell usage and text messaging!!!" We are so proud of you! We will be praying for all of you everyday. Love,Mom,Dad,and Meg

Anonymous said...

Hey Betsy !
I love you & miss you & were all praying for you, but we know youll be fine !

I hope the kiddos are lotsa fun <3

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky & Joel,
Glad to hear you arrived safe and sound. All is well at the home front. Colie sends her love and misses you but she is having so much fun playing with Maggie, swimming, and running around the lot. Monday she gets to go see Grandma Louise, Grandpa Larry, and pepsi.
Luv ya, miss ya bunches and bunches.
Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

This is Rachel from the team, i cant figure out how to post a blog, so this will do. Everything is going great here. Today we spent our second day with the school kids and it was amazing! Tommorow we're attending a dance party @ the school, so it should be fun aking fools of ourselves. The house is great and most of us are very happy with the new food.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rachie!!!
I miss you sooooooooooo much! When we went to Old Navy yesterday, I didn't know what to pick out(Mom has no fashion sense!).I'll bet your glad you are in Ghana instead of here because its craziness(hint:moving). Corina told me to tell you that she misses you too.

P.S. You can E-Mail me at