Saturday, August 11, 2007

a day of rest and relaxtion... mostly!

Last night we had a ton of fun dancing and playing pool. It's been so neat to see different sides of Ghana! However, we didn't get back home till after 1:00am, so our 5:30 wake-up call bird didn't even phase me this morning!

Once everyone was up and about and ready to go (which didn't really happen till almost 11:00) the team went back to the Faith Community Baptist Church campus and painted the Junior School (our Junior High) building. I'm not the greatest painter, but it was great to look at when we were all finished! I've loved participating in the wide variety of ways God has been using us to bless that school.

After we finished painting, we went home for lunch, and then most of the team went into town to visit this resort where you can swim for 3 Ghana Cedis (around $3). I didn't go (I opted for sleep and some down time instead), but everyone said they had a great time. (I heard many rave reviews for the strawberry ice cream the resort served).

The house was definetely quieter tonight. A lot of us have gotten used to our mid-afternoon naps, and you could tell energy was lagging with out them. However, we're all excited to go to church tomorrow. Dave is speaking (we've all been urging him to keep it "short and sweet") and their having a communion service. I'm so excited to take part in that aspect of our Christian walk with the people here. After church, we're taking out a few of our Ghanian friends who have been such a great help (Loretta, Ama, Kate, Moses and Simpson, a teacher at the school who helped us get hundreds of kids quiet every day!).

I've said it before, I know I'll say it again, and I'm sure you're all tired of hearing it, but I'm still amazed by how quickly this trip has gone by. Tomorrow is church, Monday we're visiting the orphanage, and Tuesday night we'll be flying home. See y'all soon!!

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