Monday, August 13, 2007

One Day More...

we visited the Village of Hope Orphanage today, and it was a different experience than I, at least, anticipated it would be. The orphange is 90% funded by the Church of Christ, and its a really nice facility. There are 160 kids that live at the orphange, and they range in ages from nursery to 25 (25 is the age that they shoot for to have the "kids" be independent by). They are broken down into 7 different "families" who live in different homes on the orphanage.

We got to talk to the directors of the orphange, as well as a few of the house parents. Then we took a tour (Ama went with us, and was a tad jealous of the supplies available to the students... they had quiet a few). After the tour we just hung out with the kiddos for a bit. We played a bit more soccer, a little basketball, but no slide. :)

Coming home from the orphange, it really started to hit me that we're leaving tomorrow, and just how much I'm going to miss it here. Our hosts gave us gifts tonight, they're all so super sweet!

so... I suppose this is my last Ghana-blog. Sorry it's so incoherent, I'm so tired and my brain has stopped working!

See you soon!

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