Monday, August 6, 2007

Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole....

(for those of you who don't know, that's a popular football [soccer] chant... one of the highlights of my day today was leading a group of 18 6-8 year old girls in that chant as we ran around the pitch together)

Today was the first day of the "One Cup," our football tournament for the students of Faith Community Baptist Church. It was a definite success! We ended up with 243 players on 28 different teams. Walking from the church to the pitch was the coolest experience. To see all these kids in their multicolored jerseys, dancing and singing (we even had our own little drum line keeping time for us)... it was amazing. We had to walk through some of the poorest areas of Medina, and by the time we reached the fields, we had our own little following of children, who ended up being avid spectators of all the games.

after the tournament we came back to the house, ate lunch and rested (I had the best nap ever!) Then we went out and hung with our neighborhood buddies. Aaron and Ian played football with the older kids, while Chris organized some play time for the younger kids. We've already had multiple requests for their own tournament, we're gonna see what we can do... Joel brought out his guitar and he, Rachel and I sang some worship songs with a group of kiddos. It was so much fun. We sang "Ha-la-la-la-le-lujah" and "the Happy Song," and Amazing Grace/Jesus Loves Me and a whole bunch of others... the kids really got into it, dancing and clapping and trying to sing along.

So tomorrow is the soccer tournament again. 3 hours of games (each one is 25 minutes each... except for the littlest kiddos, theirs are 15 minutes)... and then prep for the finals on Wednesday morning and VBS Wednesday afternoon! We've all acknowledge that this week is going to fly by, we've got soo much going on!

Hope everything is going Fabulously in A-to the-L to the-T-A Loma! Thanks for all your prayers and support!


hapnian said...

You are on wacky woman and I love you for it. Remember: Keep on Truckin'! (envision cheesy t-shirt)
Much Love and encouragement,
Heather A

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl,
A-to the-L to the-T-A Loma misses
B-to the-E to the T-S-Y very very much =]

Anna, Briana, Kaitlin, Maura & Dad.