Sunday, August 5, 2007

Spiritual Experience

I can honestly say that no one should ever claim Flipside is too loud...or at least none of us will. These churches have figured that if people don't come to church...they will take the church to them!!! Faith Community in Medina, Ghana can sing and praise the Lord at the top of their lungs and their speaker systems as well as anyone. Several us had also stopped by an all night Pentecostal service by our house and they took to another level (and until 4:00 am!!). It is amazing how God unites people from half way around the world. I did not know that they were providing an interpreter for the native speakers so the first part of my speech was humorous. After that it went well. Becky performed a beautiful song for the church with Joel and Aaron on guitar, Betsy, Crystabel and Charise provided excellent backup. It was a proud Dad moment! Another great soccer game with the community kids that is opening doors for ministry. Dave sat with a group for over 1.5 hours just talking with them about life. We are looking forward to continuing to build on this relationship. Pray that their hearts and minds will be open to the gospel.

Soccer tournament starts at 8:00 am and we could have 200 or 300 players. It should be interesting and fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Betsy for the colorful postings! I love them! You do a wonderful job letting us know what you are doing. Thank you, thank you!

Aaron, I hope you have your camera! You are in our prayers and thoughts though out every day.
Sounds like you are having amazing experiences.

We love you,
Mom and Dad