Friday, August 3, 2007

Amazing Day

Friday, Aug. 3

This was an amazing day for our team. We were never able to get all 12 of us together at the same time back in the states so any team building was always a little less than complete. However, God provided a great opportunity today. The school year ended yesterday so our host planned a long road trip up the coast to see what the country looks like, visit a major historical landmark, and to visit one of their most prized national parks. The end result was a bonding time for us that could not have been planned better if we tried and a chance to connect even more with our host, Ama Oduro and a member of their church, Moses, who works as a taxi driver by trade but is giving of his time to drive our 15 passenger van (based on the size it should probably fit a few less).

In case you did not know, we are in an urban setting. Accra is the capital and has an estimated 3.5 million people. This is inner city ministry in a third world country for John Oduro and the rest of the Faith Community staff. Once we fought our way thru traffic at 6:30 am. We found a whole other Ghana. There is lush vegetation, ocean coast, and rolling hills that are contrasted by mud and grass homes, small poor suburbs, and occasional wealthy pockets.

After a 3 1/2 hour bus ride that actually covered much less distance than you would expect for that time, we arrived a slave castle that has the dubious distinction of being the world's largest. You can wikipedia the information but in short, it was incredibly moving to see that part of our world's history first hand. Next, we went to the National Park. It is actually a remaining rain forest with incredible suspension bridges and views. We also interacted with a school bus full of Muslim girls during our adventure. They were loving and accepting. The 2 faiths are very intertwined in Ghana. Lastly, we visited a crocodile place that was part tourist attraction, part resort, and part restaurant. There are some great pics of our Flipsidians taking their first touch on a croc.

An encouraging moment came when our host received a phone call that the local soccer boys that play outside our house were waiting for a rematch of yesterdays great matches. We had assembled a team and tried to blend in with the locals. We were well received and made friends instantly. The "field" or "pitch" is actually a narrow road/ally with plenty of obstacles. However, it is a second home for most of the kids in the neighbor hood. It is a great place to show Christ love and connect with the neighbors. Other than having the open sewer trench serve as one out of bounds (and having to reach in to get the ball every time it goes out) it works fine. I guess the WHEN IN ROME...saying applys for the sewer balls. For the record, we did win a match!

Overall, we feel blessed to be experiencing this part of the world and are being challenged daily to lay down our pride and American expectations, and just be available to anyone, anywhere so that God's love will be shown.

Keep up the prayers. Our next participation will be Sunday at the church service and Sunday School and then a crazy week of "football" and VBS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! We are so excited to read all about your days and can't wait to hear about it in detail when you return. Enjoy, obrunis!

Kern & Erika Oduro