Thursday, August 9, 2007

And the days go flying by...

Day two of vbs is over... we were talking tonight as a team about the rest of our trip... tomorrow is the last day of VBS, Saturday we're doing a painting project at the church, Sunday is church and a thank you luncheon, Monday we're visiting the orphange, and Tuesday we have to be at the airport by 6:00... we we're all shocked at how quickly the time has flown, and saddened by the realization that tomorrow is our last day with so many of the kiddos we have come to know and love (many of the don't attend the church, so we won't see them Sunday)

VBS was rockin' today. We had a few less kiddos (the summer session of the school started today), but the ones we had were so much fun! I've continued to be amazed by the other members of our team, their flexibility and their willingness to do whatever is needed to serve this kids. They're all pretty awesome!

Tomorrow at VBS we're extending an invitation to all the different age groups to accept Christ as their personal savior... so if you could be praying for them and us, that'd be awesome (we'll be starting VBS at 9:30am... which is like 2:30am in California... so maybe shoot up a quick one tonight before you head off to bed :))

sorry this post is so short, I just wanted to let everyone know we're all still alive (and feeling a lot better... Becky is all better, and Cristabel is singing the praises of benadryl!)

have a blessed friday!


Anonymous said...

Team Ghana,

We are soooooooo PROUD of all of you. You are all such special people and we know that God will bless every part of your life, including what you are doing now. I can not wait to see what comes of the seed you have planted. Enjoy the rest of your trip...take lots of pictures...and we will continue to pray for all of you. See you when you get back.

Love always,

Tio Mike, Tia, Shane, Christa, Ken, Phil

Anonymous said...

I was reading my bible tonight and wanted to share this scripture with all of you. Romans 10:14 & 15 How, then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" THAT'S ALL OF YOU!
God Bless,
Mrs.G Lane

Anonymous said...

I was reading my bible tonight and wanted to share this scripture with all of you. Romans 10:14 & 15 How, then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" THAT'S ALL OF YOU!
God Bless,
Mrs.G Lane

phil mcintosh said...

(friend of Aaron's, brother to you all!)
Praise God for your faithful work. There was a powerful quote from Harry Potter, of all places, that said something like, "We must fight evil. We fight it again and again, and keep on fighting it so that it never overcomes us..." (I think this was in book 6). May you all see how you have come closer to imitating Christ Jesus...and how wonderful it is to extend his Kingdom to others. Be aware that our Enemy also takes notice and remember to go out each day armed with the knowledge of His Word, clothed in His Holy Spirit!

Blessings to you all,


Anonymous said...

Hey Team!!

You are all doing as God has commanded. I know that all of you are going to come back a little different than you left. I will be praying for all of you and all of your families.
I can only i9magine that returning from a missions trip and getting back into your regular lives will take some time and patience on everyones part. I want to thank Chris and Andrea for watching over our precious Rachel. Jim and I are very grateful!!!!!! I am sure all of you took care of one another.
Take care all of you.
Mom/ Joanne