Friday, August 10, 2007

Chillin' Out Max and Relaxin' All Cool...

We love hanging out with all the kiddos here in Ghana... From sharing testimonies during craft today, to playing Red Light, Green Light, to numerous football matches, it's been a blast!

Today was the last day of VBS. we ended up with over 250 kids (100 of them were in our 11+ group and 50 in our 5-6 group... although that ranged from 2-6!). It was amazing. Chris shared the bridge diagram, which helps explain how salvation works and FIFTY-ONE 7+ year olds raised their hands and said they prayed the prayer for the first time. YAY! :)

We had to day good bye to a lot of kiddos after VBS... Charise was really bummin' about is (as we all were), but about 45 minutes after we arrived back at the house, 8 girls from the school came to see her! They had seen she was sad, and they knew the way to where we were, so the hiked the mile from the school to see her one last time! :)

Once again, Ian, Joel, Chris and Aaron played football with the neighborhood boys... I even played with the older ones for like 10 minutes... but it was too intense for me! (those guys are, as I've been saying all trip, hardcore!)

Tonight, Ama is taking us out dancing to celebrate the end of VBS and the football tournament! (YAY for their sucess!) I'm really excited to show off my uber-white dance moves!!

Tomorrow we're going to be painting a building at the school and rehearsing to sing a couple of songs in Twi, the language spoken in this area of Ghana (I finally asked Ama today, and it's prononuced "ch" (as in church) "we" (but not a harsh e, it's kinda soft... I'm not explaning it well. My grammar teacher from APU who taught me Phonetics would be appalled).

Hope you're all having a fabulous Friday!


rachel miller said...

Today when 16 kids from my group accepted Christ! It was so amazing to me to see. Since today was our last day seeing the majority of the kiddos, it was sad. I feel like they've made a huge impact on my life. kiddos are amazing! Worship had to be my favorite with them. They have no inhabitions and praise with all they have. it always makes me smile. Also, Im so blessed to have the huge sarcastic amazing team that i do, im thankful for them.

Anonymous said...

Oh my Betsy I'm afraid I've lost you to Ghana for good now....or rather to all the smiling faces and warm little "kiddo" hugs I'm sure you've recieved. You blogs are wonderful and keep me informed on what's going on (though I must be honest I've just caught up) but it sounds like your missions trip has been very blessed. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Miss ya!
