Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Day Four...

Hello all!!!

Thank you so much for your prayers. They are so much appreciated. It is 3:30 pm here on Wednesdy afternoon. We finished our first day of teacher training. Chris, Becky, and I meet with about 30 teachers from the school and taught them about a program for organizing your whiteboard that helps with classroom management and organization. We have another day of training tomorrow where Becky will share some graphic organizers.

The weather is really nice. It is humid but not hot. We are being very well fed and cared for. Every meal is lovingly prepared for us by our cook, Loretta; she is a really good cook! It has been really nice to be able to get aclimated with the students and staff at the school to prepare for the soccer tournament and VBS next week.

On Friday we are going to do some sight seeing. We will be going to some popular suspension bridges and a castle which was used for the slave trade. It should be very moving. I know everyone on the team is really looking forward to it.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers!!

God's peace,


Racel Miller's thoughts:

Its amazing to me how trusting and loving these kids are. They immediately grab your hand and are playing games with you, (espically slide the hand game). Anyways, we'll post more later our time is up @ the internet cafe. Thank you to everyone!


Anonymous said...

Joel, Becky, et al...

Glad to hear all is well. Sounds like you guys are having a great time. Just know that we are praying for you and stand in faith with you for HUGE success. You guys are so awesome for doing this. Keep up the good work and we will talk with you when you get back.

Love always,

Tia and Tio Mike

Anonymous said...

you guys rock!!