Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Day two of the football tournament went way smoother than day one. We learned a valuable lesson yesterday: let the little kids play first, they aren't the best wait-ers. So when we arrived at the pitch this morning, the first thing we did was have the primary classes 1-3 (1st-3rd graders) play their two games first. After they finished, we started the rest of the kiddos playing, first the Jr. schoolers, then the 4-6 boys and girls classes.

We ended up finishing the tournament today, because registration starts tomorrow for Summer Classes at the school, so we weren't sure if all the students would be able to attend. This means that tomorrow we only have to worry about the awards ceremony. We're all really excited to hand out all the prizes we brought from America: Footballs for the winners, ribbons for everyone, as well as assorted water bottles and shoe bags (Chris was still deciding how to distribute those the last I heard).

We came back to the house and ate lunch (this spicy chicken, a rice and bean dish and the best salad!), and then most everyone crashed for a nap. When I woke up, I learned that Ian, Aaron and Chris had found another bunch of neighborhood kids to play football with... on a larger pitch that doesn't have an open sewer line running alongside it as a boundry line. the level of skill of so many of the Ghanian youth continues to amaze me... they're incredible!

Tomorrow marks the first day of VBS and, miraculously, I'm not too worried or nervous about it. God has been blessing us and multiplying our resources throughout this trip, and i have no doubts that he will continue to do so... :)

continue to keep us in your prayers, please. Cristabel hasn't been feeling very well, and Becky started feeling the effects of the heat, so please be praying that they will feel 100% tomorrow, and that the rest of us will remain healthy. Also, be praying for the kiddos who attend VBS. They've really been promoting it within the community, so this is our biggest outreach opportunity... we're really excited about it!

hope you're all having a wonderful tuesday!!! (it's hard to believe that it's only 3:30 in California...)

Here is a picture of our team on Saturday, before we went out shopping... we're standing on a hill on the University of Ghana Campus with Moses, our favorite ghanian taxi driver!
href="http://www.slide.com/s/oNK7MEt4nj8Jb7DNoyxZX263WgMGHjI_?referrer=hlnk">Host unlimited photos at slide.com for FREE!

Here is another one, of Joel and Ian petting the crocodile!

href="http://www.slide.com/s/QBjJpPd5lD8G7DUntvsiwvI11beBIG39?referrer=hlnk">Host unlimited photos at slide.com for FREE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing getting pictures.Keep them coming!
I love the pictures and the letters!!
I love you Aaron,