Wednesday, August 8, 2007

You are the most High God, Jehovah

(That's a line from one of the songs they sing at the school. The kiddos sang it for us today, it was so beautiful!)

This morning was the "closing ceremonies" of our football tournament. It started out with a time of praise and worship, and the team agreed that dancing with the kids through the sanctuary while praising God has been one of the definite highlights of the trip. We were able to give each player something, either a water bottle, a cleat bag or a soccer ball (We ended up being a little short on some of the items for the older players, but we gave them water bottles with the promise of something else later). We also had a speaker from a local sports radio broadcast. He took some pictures, and apparently we'll be in a local paper on Monday! :)

After the soccer tournament reached its official conclusion at 10:30, we geared up for VBS, which was starting up at 12:30. We ran to the house and ate lunch and returned immediately to the school. We ended up having around 200 kiddos, less than we'd originally anticipated, but still a good number! True to VBS form, the biggest group was the Blue Group (the 11+ kids), with over 75 kids the first day. (the age range is pretty big though, Ian, the leader, said one student was 19!)The afternoon went well. We talked about the story of Baby Moses and how God's people care for others.

Tomorrow we're having VBS again, from 9:00-12:00, and we're all really excited. Please continue to keep us in your prayers!

(no pictures tonight, sorry... every 48 hours the city block loses power for 12 hours, and the internet cafe runs off a generator, so the connection is really slow!)


Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better. Try some magic coco.
Luv ya bunches,


Anonymous said...

It is the highlight of my day to read the blog!!! Chris and Betsy are doing an awesome job keeping us all state side informed and up-to-date on all that is happening there. Rachel, I know that you sorry that you can't be helping us move(NOT!!!) Like Ian Ghana may be the most relaxing thing you do this summer! We continue to pray for all for you and especially your health.
We miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!

Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi rachel,
VBS will be wonderful. All you hard work, prepartation and energy will be blessed. You will reach the hearts and souls of all those how attend. enjoy what God is doing. Miss you
Love Mama Martino

Anonymous said...

Hey Ian,
So I hope all is super over seas. It sounds like everything is awesome. We are having a Missions Recap on August 19th and we were wondering if you would be a part of our panel to speak on behalf of your experiences in Ghana? Let us know.

Brittany Reynolds

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!